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112. Blessed Event

Oops, don't know why this didn't post earlier! It was scheduled and everything :/ Sorry about that--don't want anyone thinking I'm disappearing for weeks/months again...!

3 thoughts on “112. Blessed Event

  1. The ultrasound mysteriously disappeared, the tech ran off to join the Martian Foreign Legion, and she’s planning on naming the kid Wilbur “Ia! Ia!” Whateley.

  2. I wonder if more time had passed than the 3 weeks that Amanda thinks…

    1. i don´t think so, her arm would be healed by now plus her friend would´ve noticed. i´d say whatever is going on in this town got to the reporter before she could continue digging….it would be interesting to hear who she thinks is the father though, since the last time we saw her she was not only not pregnant but also very much single

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