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86. Break Out?

Sorry for the late update, I had a pet-related emergency over the weekend and got behind! Wednesday's page might be delayed until Thursday, but I'll do my best to get it posted tomorrow :)

6 thoughts on “86. Break Out?


  2. I love your art so much! 🙂
    Hope your pet is okay?

    1. Thank you so much! 🙂
      Yes, she’s okay now, but it was a scary few days! Put me way behind, but I’m getting caught up now and I’ll have a new page up tomorrow 🙂 Thanks again for the kind comment!

  3. Is your pet ok now? Awesome aren’t btw

    1. Thank you for asking! Yes, she’s fine now, but it was a few days of anxiety and sleepless nights D: I’m still getting back on track, but I’ll have a new page ready tomorrow!

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