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106. The Old Ways

12 thoughts on “106. The Old Ways

  1. Geez! You have been busy! Didn’t expect that with the new job but I am delighted. Your ink illustrations are inspiration for my own work. Love the 4 crows! Excited for the story!

  2. Who? Me, every day for the last several years, sometimes hundreds at a time. They rule the air in this city

    1. The most crows* I’ve ever seen at my bird feeder at one time is twelve. Strangely, they mostly stopped feeding there after I put a plastic tray down to catch the crumbs.
      * Technically, mostly jackdaws and one or two rooks.

      1. They congregate by the hundreds or thousands around dusk, hang out and talk. It’s impressive. Also when one is killed all the ones in the neighborhood show up. They make an enormous racket and fly around in a big vortex.

        1. Same here in Indianapolis, especially in Winter.

  3. Okay, this may seem excessive but hear me out. I think everybody in that town over the age of 75 should be shot. I’m pretty sure they’re all murderers, anyway.

    Maybe 72.

  4. I didn’t make the connection between “Ninecrow” and the song, because in the UK, the song is about magpies. Are those Ed’s crows that Amanda released, or new ones?

  5. “Eight for heaven, nine for hell, And ten for the devil’s own sel’ ”

    We’ll skip over eight and head straight to the last two

  6. ‘Who’s ever seen nine crows all at once, anyhow?’
    And your comic’s called Ninecrow. Nice, nice.
    Also, the most crows I’ve ever seen at once is probably 23. Wonder what that means.

  7. “Nine for lyin'” is how I heard it.

  8. Nine is fine.

  9. I’ve never heard this before, but….the crows!!!! It’s the crows!!!!

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